A big thank you to our friends at Vandenberg’s Landscape Design for providing some helpful tips for tackling your fall yard cleanup!
3 Simple tips for making your fall clean up easier!
Fall is once again sneaking up on us, and that means it’s about time for that dreaded fall yard clean-up. To ease your pain this year, here are a few quick tips.
#1 Beat the branch
Save yourself from having an overload of fallen leaves blanketing your yard and suffocating your grass, and just beat the branch to it. Before the leaves start to fall, have a look around your yard to see if there are any damaged, unhealthy or dead branches on your trees and shrubs. Removing these branches before they drop their leaves is a simple way to spend less time and energy later on.
#2 Buy the right equipment
Everybody hates trying to maneuver their way in-between plants to be able to reach that one annoying pile of leaves in the tightest imaginable corner. The easiest way out of this situation is to find yourself a nice leaf blower. Blow the leaves out of your garden to spot where you can collect or even mulch them with your lawn mower afterwards. Although it may be a large initial investment compared to buying a rake, you will not regret it when you’re sipping a hot cup of joe watching your neighbors squeeze through their gardens.
#3 Tarp your trimmings
As you work your way around your yard, pruning and weeding for that last time of the season, be sure to keep a tarp in a central location. Throw all of your trimmings directly onto the tarp after cutting them. This will save you from having to make ugly piles of trimmings on your lawn, or making dozens of trips back and forth to your green waste bin. Once the tarp gets a fair-sized pile, fold it up and drag it over there instead.
Hopefully these few tips help you to keep your yard looking it’s best, and if it still doesn’t seem like something you want on your list of things to do this fall, then don’t forget trusted tip #4: Call a professional!
Happy Gardening!